Daily Limud
Ma'achalei Akum #1
Bishul Akum 1: Introduction - Siman 113:1
Bishul Akum 2: Mixtures - Siman 113:2-3
Bishul Akum 3: Maids - Siman 113:4-5
Bishul Akum 4: A Jew Turning on the Oven - Siman 113:6-7
בישול עכו"ם 1 (Siman 113:1-7)
Siman 113:1-7
Ma'achalei Akum #2
Bishul Akum 5: Jewish involvement in Cooking - Siman 113:7-10
Bishul Akum 6: Different forms of Cooking - Siman 113:11-16
Bishul Akum 7: Practical Bishul Akum Questions - Siman 113 Conclusion -
Pat Akum 1: Introduction to Pat Akum - Siman 112:1
Siman 113:7-16
בישול עכו"ם 2(Siman 113:7-16)
Ma'achalei Akum #3
Pat Akum 2: When is Pat Palter allowed - Siman 112:2, 5, 8
Pat Akum 3: Current vs. Original location - Siman 112:3, 7
Pat Akum 4: Arrival of Jewish bread & Egg shmear - Siman 112:4, 6
Pat Akum 5: Turning on the oven - Siman 112:9-11
Siman 112:2-11
Quiz Material
בישול עכו"ם 3(Siman 112:1-11)
Ma'achalei Akum #4
Pat Akum 6: When is it too late, Hosting, & Kutach - Siman 112:12-14
Pat Akum 7: Bittul, Eiva, & Traveling for Pat Yisrael - Siman 112:14-16
Shechar Akum: What drinks and where - Siman 114:1,3
Yayin Akum 1: Yayin Nesech vs. Stam Yayin - Siman 123:1
Simanim 112:12-16, 114:1-3, 123:1
Quiz Material
Test 4: Pas Akum (112:12-16), Shechar Akum (114:1-3) & Yayin Akum (123:1)
Ma'achalei Akum #5
Shechar Akum: Wine in the drink - Siman 114:2, 4
Shechar Akum: Seller’s Trustworthiness - Siman 114:5, 6
Shemen Akum: Shemen Akum is Muttar - 114:7
Zeite Akum: Cut and soaked spicy vegetables - Siman 114:8
Simanim 114:2-8
Quiz material
Test 5: Shechar Akum, Shemen Akum and Zeite Akum: 114:2-7
Ma'achalei Akum #6
Maachaelei Akum: Conclusion of Siman 114 - Siman 114:9-12
Maachalei Akum: Non-Jewish weddings and gatherings and conclusion of Siman 114 (part 2) - Siman 152:1-2
Chalav Akum: Intro to Chalav Akum - Siman 115:1
Chalav Akum: Chalav Yisrael supervision - Siman 115:1
Quiz Material
Simanim 114:9-12, 115:1, 152:1-2
Week 6: Maachaelei Akum 114:9-12, 152:1-2, Chalav Akum 115:1
Ma'achalei Akum #7
Chalav Akum: Chalav Yisrael continued - Siman 115:1
Chalav Akum: Milking for Cheese - Siman 115:1-2
Gevinat Akum: Kosher Cheese - Siman 115:1
Chemat Akum: Kosher Butter - Siman 115:3
Quiz Material
Simanim 115:1-3
Week 7: Gevinat Akum 115:1-2, Chemat Akum 115:3
Ma'achalei Akum #8
Chemat Akum: Moving locations with different customs - Siman 115:3
Dangerous Foods: Uncovered beverages - Siman 116:1
Dangerous Food: Meat and Fish - Siman 116:2
Dangerous Foods: Meat and Fish continued - Siman 116:2
Simanim 115:3, 116:1-2
Quiz Material
Week 8: Chemat Akum (115:3), Dangerous Foods (116:1-3)
Ma'achalei Akum #9
Dangerous Foods: Germs and food under bed - Siman 116:4-5
Dangerous Foods: Dangerous places/names - Siman 116:5
Dangerous Foods: Disgusting things and being machmir - Siman 116:6-7
Dangerous Foods: Cutting down a fruit tree - Siman 16:6
Siman 116:4-7
Quiz Material
Week 9: Dangerous Foods 116:4-7, 16:6
Ma'achalei Akum #10
Business with Forbidden Foods: Introduction - Siman 117:1
Business with Forbidden Foods: Pigskin Footballs - Siman 117:1
Business with Forbidden Foods: Multifunctional Animals - Siman 117:1
Business with Forbidden Foods: Feeding workers - Siman 117:1
Quiz Material
Siman 117:1
Week 10: Business with Forbidden Foods 117:1
Ma'achalei Akum #11
Business with Forbidden Foods: Fats and Soaps - Siman 117:1
Business with Forbidden Foods: Hunter Selling Non-Kosher Animals - Siman 117:1
Business with Forbidden Foods: Conclusion of Siman 117:1
Quiz Material
Siman 117:1
Week 11: Business with Forbidden Foods 117:1 (finishing up)
Ma'achalei Akum #12
Found Meat: Basar shenitalem min ha’ayin - Siman 63:1-2
Found Meat: Conclusion - Siman 63:1-2
Food Delivery via Non-Jews: Introduction and Reasons - Siman 118:1
Food Delivery via Non-Jews: Number of Seals - Siman 118:1-2
Quiz Material
Siman 118:1-2
Week 12: Found Meat and Food Deliveries 63:1-2, 118:1-2
Ma'achalei Akum #13
Siman 118:2-13
Food Delivery via Non-Jews: Checking & Switcheroo - Siman 118:2
Food Delivery via Non-Jews: Letters & a Key - Siman 118:3-4
Food Delivery via Non-Jews: Simanim and Seals - Siman 118:4-8
Delivery via Non-Jews: Writing, leaving the house and cooking together - Simanim118:9-11
Food Delivery via Non-Jews: Unsupervised maid, forgotten stamp - Siman 118:12-13
Quiz Material
Week 13: Food Delivery 118:2-13
Ma'achalei Akum #14
Siman 119:1-10 and 127:3
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Intro to Ed Echad Ne’eman Bissurin - Siman 127:3
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Being a guest of someone who is suspected of eating or selling issurim - Siman 119:1-2
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Suspicious Mother in law - Siman 119:3-4
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Various people and cases - Siman 119:5-10
Quiz Material
Week 14: Relying on Those Who Violate Issurim 119:1-10, 127:3
Ma'achalei Akum #15
Siman 119:11-20
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Mumar, Treif and Refunds - Siman119:11-14, 17
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Butcher who messed up - Siman 119:15-19
Relying on someone suspected of violating issurim: Contemporary Poskim - Siman 119:20
Quiz Material
Week 15: Relying on Suspected People 119:11-20
Ma'achalei Akum #16
Siman 123:1-6
Yayin Nesech: Yayin Nesech vs. Stam Yayin - Siman 123:1
Yayin Nesech: Yayin Mevushal - Siman 123:2-6
Yayin Nesech: Yayin Mevushal - Siman 123:2-6
Yayin Nesech: What does and what doesn’t assur the wine - Conclusion
Quiz Material